Skin Biopsy & Surgery

A biopsy is a diagnostic procedure to evaluate unusual growths or suspicious tissue in the body. The procedure involves removal of a piece of tissue or cells from the area of concern which are sent to a laboratory for microscopic examination.

Our well-trained and equipped providers collect skin biopsies every day. They can perform biopsies in the office using local anesthetic under sterile conditions.


Warts and Skin Tags Removal
Warts and skin tags are skin growths that grow to the size of a few millimeters. Warts grow quickly, are bumpy, and are caused by the human papilloma virus. Skin tags, on the other hand, are simple overgrowths of flesh often found on neck, back, and in the armpits. Both warts and skin tags can be a cosmetic problem and may also become irritated as they rub up against clothing. Though some warts and skin tags go away or fall off on their own, it can take many months or years. Instead, many people choose to remove warts and skin tags during their visits in our office at JCG Adult Health.

Surgical Nail Removal
We perform partial or complete excision of nails for the removal of ingrown or deformed nails. The goal of the procedure is to provide symptom relief as well as repair nail deformities.
If you have a deformed or discolored nail that you would like to have evaluated or remove, please contact our office to make an appointment.